Friday, March 11, 2011

Beer buoys up the Texas economy $20 billion a year

The state of the state's overall economy might be in a world of hurt — reference unemployment, tax revenue shortfalls, and the nasty budget cuts that come with the territory — but Texas' beer industry is booming, thanks very much.

So says the National Beer Wholesalers Association (NBWA) and the Beer Institute, who jointly commissioned a recent study which found that "America's beer industry... directly and indirectly contributes $19.7 billion annually to Texas's economy."

That's quite a mouthful.

Having recently done my own foam-quaffing part to pump up the state's liquid assets by way of an impromptu Fat Tuesday celebration (in solidarity with my New Orleans-based beer-drinking brethren — saaa-lute!), my fellow Texans and I can look forward to yet another opportunity for malt-and-hops-based imbibement coming up on St. Patrick's Day. 

The study found that 79,394 citizens of Texas owe their employment directly to the beer industry, which paid out $2.5 billion in wages, with most of those jobs (68,880) existing in the retail sector. Texas-based distributors employ 8,086, while brewers and importers kept the wages flowing to a fortunate 2,429 Lone Star Staters.

"In addition to providing quality jobs with solid wages," stated NBWA President Craig Purser, beer providers "...offer American consumers... tremendous choice and variety — nearly 13,000 different labels of beer — at a great value."

Let's see. By my rough calculations, this means I've got about 12,499 varieties yet to go to complete my comprehensive sampling undertaking.

Time to pop another top in support of the Great State of Texas.

Source: PR Newswire

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