Monday, September 7, 2009

What is Epicurean?

Besides sleeping, food is my favorite daily necessity. Though unlike sleeping, I am aware of what I am experiencing. And trust me, dining can be either worthy of the most savory dreams or the sweat-inducing nightmares.

So what is epicurean? As is written at the top of the page, epicurean means to be fond of luxuries, specifically food. It's a fitting word for what David and I enjoy.

As this blog is the work of one girl (me) and one guy (him), our tastes are going to differ drastically. That said, please disregard anything that he says :) Haha, just kidding.

We do, however, hope to give clear pictures of our "food adventures" (his words, not mine.) Bon Apetite!


Epi-what? Epi-wonderful :)

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