Monday, September 7, 2009

What is Epicurean? (continued)


Step 1: Go to school and earn a degree.
Step 2: Find a job, work and make some money.
Step 3: Enjoy life, with the money you make from step 2.
Step 4: Win the lottery and just repeat step 3 and skip step 1 and 2.

Reality and a tad of Introduction:

Since winning the lottery is as likely as getting hit by lightning, I will just stick to the plans and repeat step 2 and 3; and hopefully one day step 4 will happen, haha. Hi my name is David, I finished step 1 and have been in step 2, working and making money, from time to time I am in step 3, where Krysta and I go out and enjoy all the different types of food and drinks the world has to offer. I like to try new and different food when I can; but since resources are limited I am forced to repeat step 2. As Krysta has mentioned in the previous post we have different tastes and our opinions are going to differ, but we hope you will enjoy our blog as we share our adventures of eating at various places ranging from holey little shacks around the corner to fabulous multi-course restaurants.


Epi-what? Epi-fantastic :)

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