Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sprinkles Cupcakes

This week I was lucky enough to get some free cupcakes from my friend so I figured I'd post some pictures.  There are cupcake shops popping up all over the place now, and two of the better known ones in the area are Sprinkles and Dots. 

We got a total of 12 cupcakes: banana, black and white, chocolate marshmallow, cinnamon sugar, coconut, dark chocolate, red valvet, straberry, and vanilla. See for a list of flavors by day. Sprinkles cupcakes are a bit pricier, $3.25 per cupcake or $36 for a dozen, whereas Dots is $2.75 per cupcake.

Sprinkles cupcakes are a bit on the sweet side, a little too sweet for me. The top is about half an inch thick of frosting/sweetness; the cupcake itself is pretty dense.  I personally prefer Dots cupcakes, their cupcakes are more moist, lighter/fluffier and a bit cheaper.

Epi-what?  Epi-frosted.

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