Thursday, December 24, 2009

Review from Japan

Hello Everyone!

Long time no blog, but I think this will be worth seeing. I recently returned from a short trip in Japan and took lots of pictures of their delicious food. I might be slightly biased since Japanese food is my favorite, but I have to say that no matter where you go, the food is consistently good. I'll let the pictures do most of the talking.
This is Akashiyaki, which consists of batter and octopus and is meant to be dipped in the accompanying sauce. The sauce was light, as was the overall meal. (Taken at Tokyo Station)

This is Okonomiyaki, which is like a Japanese pizza since you can put whatever you want in it, but it usually consists of the batter, cabbage, red ginger, egg, and sometimes a meat. This one has pork.

There was a curry house called "Jakson Curry" that I went to with friends, and they had a unique flavor to their curry. It was a different kind of spice than Indian or Japanese curry, and the inside of the restaurant was very Westernized (they were playing music by Queen while we ate.) I really enjoyed the flavor. I also added on chicken karaage, which is basically fried chicken (Taken in Takayama)

This was at a restaurant called Kawafuji, and their specialty was a cheese chicken katsu. It's a common meeting place for many of the college students nearby. (Taken in Tsuru City in Yamanashi Prefecture)

This was taken at Ishii Udon, a very popular noodle shop that attracts the students and locals. Their udon noodles are a little chewier and very, very long. It was a fulfilling meal.

These photos were taken at the famous Tsubame Guriru (The Swallow's Grill) where they serve hamburger steaks and Western style cooking, but with Japanese flavor. A little expensive, but worth it I think.
(Taken in Shinagawa, Tokyo)

The most expensive meal I had was at this place called the Black Hole. It's a Japanese barbeque restaurant where they served a variety of meats that were all well marinated. I've never eaten this type of yakiniku (grilled meat) where the meat was so juicy. But it did turn my wallet into a black hole :(
(Taken in Shinjuku, Tokyo)

This was my last meal in Japan, SOBA! Thinner noodles than udon and it can be eaten in cold or hot soup.(Taken at Narita Airport in Tokyo)

Lastly, this is a cake that I brought home from a little cafe in Shibuya, Tokyo called Shoto Cafe. It was a very homey cafe in the middle of the ceaseless craziness that personifies Shibuya. The people working there were very welcoming and treated me like someone they've known for a very long time. The cake was a bundt, and it was not too sweet and still soft despite being carried around on a plane. Yummmm....

Epi-what? Epi-"derishisu"!!